LHB Coach Full Form and Related Full Forms: FIAT Bogie, CBC Coupler, FIBA and More

LHB Coach stands for "Linke Hofmann Busch" Coach, and some other full forms related to LHB Coach include FIAT Bogie, CBC Coupler, and FIBA etc.

LHB Coach

LHB Linke Hofmann Busch
ACP Alarm Chain Pulling
AR Auxiliary Reservoir
BC Brake Cylinder
BP Brake Power
BPC Brake Power Certificate
C&W Carriage & Wagon
CR Control Reservoir
CSK Counter Sunk
CBC Centre Buffer Coupler
CDTS Control Discharge Toilet System
DRS Deficiency in Rolling Stock
DV Distributor Valve
DA Direct Admission Valve
DC Direct Current
EOT Crane Electric Overhead Travelling Crane
EFT Emergency Feed Terminal
FIAT Bogie Fabbrica Italiana Automobili di Torino Bogie
FIBA Failure Indication cum Brake Application
FP Feed Pipe
FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic
I.C. Isolating Cock
ICF Integral Coach Factory
IOH Intermediate Overhaul
M.R. Main Reservoir
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
O.D. Outer diameter
OCV Other Coaching Vehicle
PACIL Passenger Alarm Chain Indication Device
PEASD Passenger Emergency Alarm Signal Device
PCV Passenger Coaching Vehicle
PM Primary Maintenance
POH Periodic Overhauling
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
RCF Rail Coach Factory
RDSO Research Design and Standard Organisation
RMPU Roof Mounted AC Package
RTR Rake Testing Rig
SG Self generating
SM Secondary Maintenance
SS Stainless steel
SWG Standard Wire gauge
TL Train Lighting
WRA Water Raising System
WSP Wheel Sliding Protection
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